Top 10 NLO|Lupus Articles of 2015

7 Lupus Flare Triggers to Avoid

10. Lupus Aggravations We All Know Too Well

When you suffer with a chronic disease, it's hard to remain positive. These are the top five lupus aggravations we all face and are too familiar with.

Lupus Aggravations We All Know Too Well

9. Chemo for Lupus Treatment

Typically reserved for more aggressive forms, chemo for lupus is quickly becoming a valid — yet intense — treatment option for lupus patients.

8. What Not to Say to Someone With Lupus

"We know most people are trying to help, but these comments can still put a damper on our entire day." Anna discusses what not to say to someone with lupus.

7. What Is the Lupus Spoon Theory?

Passed around in support groups online for over 10 years, what exactly is the lupus spoon theory and how can it be helpful to those who have lupus?

6. Lupus and Memory Loss

"I decided I would write about lupus and memory loss for this post. I was excited, because this is something that is near to my heart and one of my week-to-week challenges. Then, as if on cue, I forgot to write it."

5. Increasing Energy

There are numerous foods you can eat to help in your goal of increasing energy levels and your chances of facing the day with less discomfort.

4. Lupus Tummy Troubles

Lupus can attack any body system and the gastrointestinal tract is no different. Your tummy troubles may very well be a ‘side-effect’ of lupus.

3. Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Lupus and Raynaud's phenomenon often occur together. Brandy shares her experience with Raynaud's and some useful tips for combating it.

2. Overcoming Sleep Problems with Lupus

It can be hard to determine which came first — the lupus fatigue or the abundant issues that perpetuate that fatigue.

1. 7 Lupus Flare Triggers to Avoid

Flare-ups are often not predictable or avoidable, but steering clear of these seven lupus flare triggers may help reduce the number of flares you have.

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