Don't Let Lupus Define You

Don’t Let Your Lupus Define You

Jul 12, 2016

You Are Not Lupus – So Don't Let Lupus Define You!

When you have lupus or any chronic illness, it’s easy to become defined by it. It can become your whole identity — when really, you’re so much more than that.

Watch the video above to hear Anna’s her tips for maintaining your identity outside of your health condition, or read the written summary below.

Continue With Your Hobbies

Focus on your hobbies and the things that you liked to do before you got lupus. I know this that can be difficult if you did something physical like sports, but that doesn't mean that you can't still participate in it.

For example, I used to really love to act and do theater and dance, but I just don't have the energy to do that anymore. Instead, I've found other ways that I can still stay involved in theater without letting lupus get in the way.

Maintain Your Friendships

Another way to ensure that lupus isn't your whole identity is to make friends. I think it's really easy to withdraw completely into yourself when you don't feel well, but it's important to make sure that you keep lines of communication open between your family and friends.

Make sure that they understand that you may have this disease but you are not just lupus; you're not Lupus Girl. You can still spend time with them and do a lot of the things that you did before — sometimes you might just need some modifications.

It’s great to make new friends who have lupus and understand what you're going through, but if you surround yourself by only people who have lupus your whole world will be about the disease.

Find New Hobbies

If your pre-diagnosis hobby was running marathons and you can't do it anymore, maybe it's time to look into things other things you can do.

This might be a good opportunity to take a new class and explore some new hobbies. If taking a class at a local college or something like that is too taxing for you, you can always go online and search for places to learn new skills — there’s a lot you can actually do from home. Finding new things you love can help you embrace an identity apart from lupus.