Lupus and Beauty Products

6 Must-Have Beauty Products for Lupus

Oct 20, 2017

Lupus and Beauty Products

Are you looking for some lupus beauty tips? If so, you stumbled across the right video. Debbie shares her six must-have beauty products for lupus that will help you feel beautiful instantly.

If you are a girly-girl (like me), you just like to have fun with makeup, or you're really into skincare, I want to give you a few little tips that'll help you find the best beauty products for lupus.

Protect Your Skin With Sunscreen

Remember, your skin is your largest organ on your body. For many of us who have lupus, our skin can be affected by the sun, and we can develop dark spots or worse – rashes.

Finding an excellent sunscreen that you like that sits well on your face, and maybe a different one for your body is important.

You'll want to buy a small bottle of sunscreen with a high SPF and keep it in your handbag or your pocket. Every couple hours, put some sunscreen on your face, on your arms, etc., because that way you're going to want to protect yourself from those harsh, damaging rays of the sun.

Bring Warmth to Your Face With Bronzer

We all like to get a suntan, I know I do, but those rays are hard for us, so buy a nice bronzer that you love.

Bronzers come in different textures and colors, and you can wear them when you're in the mood to add some color to your face. It's important to blend really good with bronzer – you don't look like an orange Oompa Loompa!

Always Read the Labels

When you're looking for beauty products, remember to read the back of the labels.

If you are buying something that's in a beauty store or a department store, ask to see the list of ingredients or look on the back of the packaging, and see what is in that beauty product that you'll potentially put on your skin.

It's okay to be worried about what we put in our bodies, what we eat, and we try to do the best we can.

For example, eating a gluten-free diet works for people or diets which focus on lowering sugar, fats, and salts, so that you can live a longer and better life. However, we forget that the products we use on our skin can absorb into our bodies.

You'll want to use products that have the least amount of ingredients and, hopefully, ingredients that you know of or you can pronounce.

Whenever I see a product that has a lot of ingredients that I can't pronounce, or I've never heard of, I will not buy. However, I will jot down in my mind or on my phone particular ingredients, and I'll go home and research the ingredients.

There are some ingredients I know that do work for me, and as you get used to doing this, you'll know the ingredients that you need to stay away from.

Stop Dry Eyes Before They Happen – Buy a Bottle of Drops for Your Eyes

A lot of us with lupus experience dry eyes and it can be quite an irritating symptom.

If you wear contact lenses, get a little bottle of the drops for contacts. If you don't wear, get a small bottle of one of the eye drops for non-contact lens wearers.

Keep Water With You and a Nice Lip Balm

I know this isn't a beauty product, but water does help to refresh your mouth and hydrates the skin at the same time.

However, if keeping water on you at all times isn't realistic for you, try a nice lip balm instead. If you are going out and you can find a balm, gloss or a lipstick that has SPF coverage. Your lips are skin, and they need to be protected.

Have Fun With Lipstick

Just because you have lupus or any other chronic illness doesn't mean that you can't have fun with a beautiful red lipstick as I do. However, if red's not your color, find a color that you like.

At the end of the day, lipstick is not about the specific color. It's about what's in our products and how they work for us. I hope that that helped you.

I hope that those tips helped you in your shopping or thinking about buying beauty products in the future.