Interested in becoming a part of the NewLifeOutlook team?

We're looking for writers to share their knowledge and experience to help others coping with Lupus.

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Tell us why you'd like to be a writer, your experiences writing, and any samples you may have: blog links, samples from other websites, etc.

Nominate A Voice

When you have a chronic illness, feeling like you’re part of a community and knowing that you’re not alone in your day-to-day struggles is important.

Some voices in this community stand out as pillars of strength, always there to listen and offer words of understanding and encouragement. Their realistic but positive outlook has a way empowering others.

NewLifeOutlook’s Community Voices project is our way of recognizing these people — and we need your help to do it.

If there’s a blogger, a tweeter, a YouTuber, a Facebook group creator or a forum moderator who inspires you to persevere in the face of chronic pain, fatigue and brain fog, we want to know about it — nominate them by contacting

Send Us a Message

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