The Link Between Restless Legs Syndrome and Lupus

Do You Experience RLS With Lupus?

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, often occur together — however, the reason for this is not entirely clear.

RLS is a mysterious neurological condition that causes sensations like throbbing, creeping, and tingling, among others. These feelings occur most often while staying still, mostly while in bed at night.

The sensations lead to a strong impulse to move your legs to relieve them. And because this all typically happens at night, many people with lupus experience fatigue as a result.

So, on top of being unpleasant, RLS can actually make symptoms worse and exacerbate a lupus flare when it causes you to lose sleep. That’s why if you’re experiencing RLS you should see your doctor as soon as possible so you can receive treatment.

As of right now there is no cure for RLS, but with proper care it’s possible to relieve the sensations and keep the condition at bay.

The Link Between Restless Legs Syndrome and Lupus
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The Link Between Restless Legs Syndrome and Lupus

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